
Showing posts from December, 2012

Random things we talked about

Gans itu salah 1 manusia yang paling ngegemesin buat gue. Jadi gini, kita berdua kan follow @tweetnikah, terus ada sempet si twit nikah itu ngomong nyinyir soal yang mau nikah tapi nunggu mapan. Menurut akun itu, mending nikah dulu, kalo soal rejeki pasti ada jalannya. Nah kita lagi ngebahas soal itu. Terus gans nanya, "Kenapa dia bilang gitu yah yang yah? Maksudnya apa yah?" terus gue keluarinlah jurus analisis gue, "Mungkin gini yang, sama aja kaya mata kuliah. Misalnya fotografi gitu. Kamu suka fotografi, tapi kan paling foto-foto yang kamu ambil kan paling sesuka kamu aja, tapi kalo kamu ambil mata kuliah fotografi, kan banyak tugas, ya mau gak mau kamu jadi moto macem-macem dan akhirnya bisa. Ya gak? Bener kan?". Dia pasang muka bingung. Gue tanya lagi, "ngerti gak maksud akuu?". Dia bilang sambil pasang muka mikir, "ngerti yang, tapi soal nikah mah gak bisa disamain sama mata kuliah..". BZZZZZ... udah deh gue speechless. Ni ana...

We're going through a phase

Hmm.. But I think it's not we. You are you. It's my reaction towards you that change. And why is that? Why am I getting angry so much? Why am I getting upset so easily? I was so sweet. I treated you like a fragile little boy. With a fragile heart and feelings. But then you started to bring my bad self. And now I'm the bad guy for what you call revenge. I'm not trying to do that, I'm trying to tell you. To be treated like that is, well, sucks. But you've changed. You get back to what you used to be. But what about me? I'm stuck here in my bad suit. I'm afraid this suit will give us problem somewhere in the future. And I don't want that. I hope this phase will go away. soon. Eventhough you look so cute like a puppy when I get mad at you. I'd rather see you cute when we cuddle like a fragile little boy. My fragile little boy.