
Showing posts from March, 2014

A new phase

I'll be working on monday!! Woop woop! I am sooo very much excited!! I really wish I can do very well. I'll be in probation for 6 months and after that if my performance is great I can be an official employee! Yihiii.. But, as every new phase on my life I'll be crying like bitches for 3 months or so every night until I can fit in. But this time it's just getting worse. Gans and I are having a different day off. Mine is on saturday & sunday, while he gets the busiest on those 2 days and get a day off on monday. I really am grateful for the job I have right now. It's everything I've been dreaming on forever. But I just can't get the fact that I can't see Gans as often as we used too. I know we're both in hunts of our happy ending while reaching for our own dreams. It just feels so aching. I know we'll be alright, cause I just know that he's the one and there would be no one else. I might sound cocky but I'm a saggitarian, s...

Gans lagi gans lagi..

Hari ini Gans lagi seneng gara-gara ada kerjaan di kantornya yang baru seminggu. Terus kalo kesenengan entah kenapa dia jadi rada bloso. Kita cuma lagi duduk aja becanda-becanda, terus dia nyanyi "Trabel trabel trabel, trabel trabel trabel Trabel trabel trabel, friends." Tapi pake nada abang tukang baso masi-mari sini. Dan dia kekeuh kalo dia lagi nyanyi lagunya Lenka. Sampe disetel lagunya dan gak ada nada yang kaya dia nyanyiin tetep kekeuh kalo itu lagunya Lenka. Bukannya aku jahat, Gans. Tapi itu dari liriknya aja udah salah ditambah kamu nyanyinya pake nada abang tukang baso -_-"