
Showing posts from July, 2014

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Being a blogger has always been my dream. To post my daily life on the internet platform, to tell strangers how am I doing and what am I doing in the meantime. I don't know why but it just feel fascinating. To be yourself in front of thousands of people, made them think they know you inside out. I like the idea for being my self in front of everybody with the internet walls in between me and them. In reality, I tend to get nervous and clumsy and uncertain of my own thoughts, I nod at stronger people's view, I nod to avoid unnecesary arguments. Unlike the reality, internet has given me a chance to be confident of what I am and say what I want. I also get inspired from blog who gave such an atmosphere, such an image of perfect life. They give me hopes to have a life like them too. To have pretty pictures and get my life recorded on the way I wanted it to be remembered. I know their life is not perfect too, I know there's no such thing as perfect life, but to build that way...

A Brand New Blog Image!

Hi Hello Have you recognize any difference in my look? Haha, bet you do. In the midst of my confusion and laziness, I decided to change the whole look on my second blog here. I changed my blog name from "Vanilla on Cream" to "Midnight Wanders" inspired by my latest post and my awakening of when I mostly write in here. I also change my URL from "" to "" I actually wanted to have midnightwanders only but some bastards has took it! But I have my connection to the new url nonetheless. And then I found a very nice and simple free blogger template at   loovvee this template so much for every reason! Mostly because it really suits this blog so well. Just a place to pour some confusing thoughts I can't share with no one. I decided to change the whole look and feel of this blog because I don't see it like a home now like I saw it before. I used to see this place as...

Midnight Wanders

Udah lama rasanya dari terakhir kali ngerasain kebangun tengah malem. Biasanya ketemu tengah malem itu paling kalo emang belom sempet tidur sedari paginya. Kebangun tengah malem itu, kebanyakan gak enaknya. Apalagi kalo isi otak lagi campur aduk, banyak ini itu yang mesti dikerjain. Dan ada juga ini itu yang sebenernya sepele tapi guenya keburu sensitif dan nanggepinnya jadi berat ke satu sisi. Akhirnya nambah gak bisa tidur deh. Kebangun di tengah malem itu gelap dan acara tv udah antara jelek atau film yang udah diulang kesekian juta kalinya atau berita yang kebanyakan isinya negatif aja. Gelapnya itu bikin otak gue jalan kemana-mana. Gue kemudian ngerasa khawatir sama masa depan. Lalu nongol imaji-imaji ingatan gue waktu syuting di Cafe Dangdut gelap dan bau rokok. Tempat itu aneh. Di satu sisi itu adalah tempat tua yang gelap, kotor, tua. Tapi di sisi lain gue suka dengan arsitekturnya yang jadul banget. Pintu koboi, dinding dilapisi kaca 20×20 yang mirip jendela. Kursi rotan al...