Bonne Nuit

I always love to drive at night. There's something feels so peaceful while doing it. I guess it's for the fact that the darkness kinda hide my self more from other people's eye. I find that darkness always brings the true me out. My muscles seems more relaxed. My anxiety suddenly dissapear and gone with the wind. I'm the kind of people who likes to act based on people around me. This is how I cope with my social anxiety but another problem appears when I met different group of people that I treat differently. Now that's another problem. After quite a moment on my long way home today, I realized that darkness is letting us to spot and highlight truly what we want to show. Like all those wispy christmas lights on december, or that spotlight for all of the great angel statues on rose gardens, or maybe just the way we put lamps on our porch close to the door so anyone knows where to enter. That's it. That's why I love darkness so much. I like ...