
Showing posts from May, 2014

Procrastinate More

Whose here never procrastinate? Come on, who doesn't? All you lazy asses in front of your laptop or lying down on your comfortable bed scrolling through 9gag. I know you. Well to be fair, I do it too. On a regular basis. I guess every student knows how it feels to procrastinate. When its time to do your homework, suddenly everything else looks very very much more interesting than writing down the answer of 2+2, or maybe for art students, peeling an orange looks very much more important than drawing a perfect circle on an art paper. Well for me, when I was in the middle of my thesis, suddenly I get a clean bathroom, perfectly made bed top, shiny floor, and a new recipe to brag about all while I have nothing to add to my long abandoned chapter 2. We've all been through that, or maybe we are in the procrastination mode right now. I am. Now this is somewhat I feel important to share about procrastination. How to make it as a helper to get things done. Why is procrastinatio...

You can't inspire if you're not happy with yourself

Pagi Buta

Gue suka banget sama subuh. Pokonya selepas jam 3 pagi sampe sekitaran jam 5 itu gue suka banget. Bisa jadi karena dulu waktu kuliah sering banget begadang sampe pagi ngerjain tugas yang gak kelar-kelar demi nilai yang baik. Terus juga pertama kali ikut produksi film beneran, syutingnya selalu mulai dari subuh. Sampe tidur pun gue gak apus makeup gara-gara waktu istirahatnya cuma 3 jam setelah seharian muter-muter. Waktu dijalanin, ya itu ngerjain tugas ataupun ikutan syuting, rasanya berat. Capek. Gak pengen untuk ada di sikon itu lagi, gak mau lagi nahan-nahan ngantuk dan kepaksa bangun subuh gara-gara tugas. Tapi kalo dirasa-rasa sekarang, semua kecapean dan kekurangan tidur gue itu jadi terasa menyenangkan banget. Ada rasa juga pengen balik ke masa-masa itu. Pengen ngulang lagi. Emang pasti capek bakal ngikut, tapi after feelnya itu loh yang bikin nagih.  Dan disinilah gue sekarang, abis ngerevisi power point buat presentasi. Dan ya, itu tugas kantor. Tapi entah kenapa gue...