Procrastinate More

Whose here never procrastinate? Come on, who doesn't? All you lazy asses in front of your laptop or lying down on your comfortable bed scrolling through 9gag. I know you. Well to be fair, I do it too. On a regular basis.

I guess every student knows how it feels to procrastinate. When its time to do your homework, suddenly everything else looks very very much more interesting than writing down the answer of 2+2, or maybe for art students, peeling an orange looks very much more important than drawing a perfect circle on an art paper. Well for me, when I was in the middle of my thesis, suddenly I get a clean bathroom, perfectly made bed top, shiny floor, and a new recipe to brag about all while I have nothing to add to my long abandoned chapter 2. We've all been through that, or maybe we are in the procrastination mode right now. I am. Now this is somewhat I feel important to share about procrastination. How to make it as a helper to get things done.

Why is procrastination happen? It's the thing that we put on top of our mind that become somewhat a burden to do, we become lazy to do that burden but yet we constantly remembering ourself that we need to do that certain things. Which makes it become even more of a burden. It gets heavier and heavier and heavier and we just don't want to do it. Because our brain think of it as a burden so we avoid that thing with searching for something easier and more interesting to do. With that fact in mind, let's change our point of view so we can make this procrastination thing an actual benefit.

How to make it happen? Simply put something very unimportant but long enough to take your time to become your priority of the day. Not on your entire life of course, keep your dreams high, but make everyday counts. For example, make watching a movie your priority of the day. But, while you preparing to do it like maybe turn on your laptop or dvd player, do something else. Do something that you think unimportant or very easy to do like maybe sweeping the house (what's the point of it? It'll get dirty in no more than a meal.), put your clean clothes to its place (hey I have all this time to wait for my laptop to load), make a quick meal to eat while you watch that movie (I'm hungry anyway), clean one part of all the clutter you have in your room (this doesn't look good, let me get it off my sight shortly), do the number 1 of your 100 questions homework (this particular number looks like I can do it), write a short blog post (like I did), do something just very easy and takes no time to do. While we're doing the something else, our brain will constantly remembering us to watch that movie. But somehow we think something that take time less than watching the movie itself is not more important but just easier to do and it become more interesting.

Our brain will get tired and bored with the idea of watching a movie and will try to find anything else that just pop up on top of our mind to do first. That's how procrastination works. But remember not to feel obligated to do the small things or your brain might as well putting it as a priority and you'll go back to postponed it until forever.

So the point is:
  1. Pick 1 unimportant and rather "fun" things with a long time for you to do.
  2. Set it as an obligatory priority.
  3. While waiting for the preparation, do something else
  4. Do what you're very good at, procrastinate.

And that's it! Tell me if you can do this or you just get too excited with the idea so you make it as a priority to try. *shrug* Oh well, what would I expect from procrastinators...


    Lagi males banget bikin skripsi. Tiap bukalaptop buat kerjain skripsi pasti ujung-ujungnya malah buka youtube. Terus abis itu jadi ngerasa bersalah. hahaha


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