Finished the long hard week finally

I spent my whole week in my new campus. New friends, new atmosphere, new environment. But i'm not a social person, so i hate being or seeing "jaim" person. So, until now, i don't have a friend actually. Hope will.

I had fun at those days, but don't really want to repeat that again.
I had to arrive at 5.30 everyday and reach home at 9 p.m. later at night.
looong dayy..

Now, i'm waiting for my first day learning on campus.
i'll have class at 8 A.M. on monday.

Really happy to became a campus student.
Having a campus live and happy for having new friends.

Oh, and the last day is like, my FAVOURITE!!!
There were UKM photography.
Love it SOO MUCH!!
I was like the only person whose interested with it in my group.
I asked a question about the camera,
And my voice is shaking because of my happiness.
It's an undescribeable feeling,

1 of my sister's friends was always calling me "Vina's sister!!"
whenever i passed by or when i wasm't doing anything.

And something that bothers me so much.
is that many people think i'm a boy.


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