My Sanctuary

Closer look to my sanctuary

Until a year ago, i still don't understand the meaning of sanctuary. But since this year i knew it. I had an incident early at this year. It made a big difference in my life, a long story i must say. But that incident had made me constantly going to my grandma's room. It has a for side curving windows and 4 cabinets under each window. The cabinet also has another function, as a bench. So, i like to sit on the cabinet and look outside the window. Eventhough my house is facing right on the street, but i just have a feeling of peace and comfort to just sit there, reading novels, doing handy crafts, put on some make up, anything!! And the most undescribeable feeling is when its raining. I'll get this feeling words can't describe. I feel fun and sad at the same time, cool and warmth, sleepy and energetic, but above all that, i feel romantic. Yeah, just like a movie, i just need to play some sweet songs and sit still, watching the rain. No matter how many times i try to capture that moment in a picture, i can't. I dunno why. So that's the place i called my sanctuary. I don't know bout you guys but sanctuary to me is a place i feel that way.
.Hope you have yours too.


  1. Ehh ini dalemny kah van? Yg biasa lu buat foto* bagian luarnya yaah.. Bagusss yaak vintage gemanaa getoh~


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