Terpuruk Kembali

Yah, setelah lama gak update, yang bisa gua ceritain disini adalah, gua mualai melihat hidup dari sisi negatifnya lagi. Gua mulai membenci diri gua sendiri lagi. Gua ngerasa dari idup gue, dari apa yang udah gua lakuin, dari apa yang udah gua pikirin, gak ada yang bisa dibanggain. Once, i thought i already living my childhood dream, but the truth is, it's all only inside my head.
I just keep thingking in everything i have done, i'm becoming the old me, a lazy nerd with nothing to be proud of. I looked at people around me, great people with all their great ability which i don't have. I keep on envy-ing them. Those with the ability or those who has pasion and dream. For now, none of stuck in my head. I feel like i only livin' my life just because i'm alive, not because i wanted to.
Yaa, i hope this feeling will go quickly.


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