
Liat si jeje suka ngisi beginian jadi pengen ngisi juga dan ini gua ambil dari blognya dia,

So, here we go!

Are you in a relationship?

How long have you been in a relationship with this person?
A year and 2 months

Are you completely happy with the person you’re with?
Yes, Sir!

are you in love?

Do your friends like your partner?
Iyalah, orang temen gue temen dia juga. (ceritanya jadiannya sama temen se-geng)

Does anyone around you NOT support the relationship?
Parents from both sides

Have your parents met your partner?
Absolutely NO NO

Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Karena yang ini relationshipnyamenyenangkan, jadi in a relationship

Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
No, i'm the horrible one

Have you and your partner ever broken up and gotten back together?
Emm.. Pernahlah yaaa...

Do you want to get married?
Ya maulah, kan udah cita" semenjak enek sama tugas

Would you ever leave the person you are with?
No one knows the future

Do you regret any of your past relationships?
Since i don't have any, no

Would you ever date your best male friend?

Would you believe your ex if he said they love you?
Ngomong love you-nya kapan dulu, sebelom apa sesudah apa setelah jadian?

Have u ever flirted with a friends crush?
No. I guess

Ever liked someone else’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
Sukanya ya kaya ngefans, bukannya suka karena "suka"

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

What is the biggest age gap you have dated?
8 months

Have you dated people who were not good to you?


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