Not My League

Have you ever felt like everything around you is running in a reaaaally bad way that they always turns out beyond your thoughts and end up making you upset?

"I was in a happy moment, I remember."

Now that univ has started, social creatures communicate to each other, fortification the friendship that may have decreased during the happy time of holiday, get to know new people. As the solidarity rising, so is problems. Gossips, issues, bad things, stories I heard, really get into my judgement of someone or something.
But I guess, along with the running time around me, I'll get used to it.


My main problem for the time being isn't really that bad. I guess I'm just in my period so I have mood swings controlling my healthy brain.

I guess I want to have something that I have lost my trust before. Something that ruin my self. Something that brought me down to the lowest level of my life. Something that I've been thingking not to be considered anymore until it really settle. Something I really want to avoid.

But it just came.

I don't want to realize it.

But the more I want to forget, the more it stuck in my brain.

Now I had to let it go, cause it's not my league to conquer.


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