Why I Chose To Be An Agnostic

Well, my ID said that my religion is Budha, while my dad said we are a Confusius' followers. I get schooled in a catholic institution for my whole life and now I have a moslem boyfriend. I've never been in a serious learning about all the religion mentioned above but I've understand some basic.

When you entitled for something you might or might not know deeply about it, you're counted as a representative for that matter. When you feel like you're a representative of some sort you grew the feeling of protecting them and you feel like you know them more than you actually do. I've come to the point where I understand that all religion means no harm to others. They all exist to give some guidelines to mankind so they have something to hold on to, something to reflect their lives to, something to give hope when all else have failed.

Something I don't understand is how people use that guide line, a very peaceful one on the planet as many people think it is, to be a source of war? Some people tend to hate other people with different beliefs with them with no other reason than the faith they chose to believe in to. I, my self, see religion as a lifestyle. Some people chose to have a glutten free diet, or to party all night long to get wasted, or stay at home watching DVD while eating some homemade salted caramel all night, or they get lost to then find a way back. Same thing apply for faith.

I'm a person to stay out of conflict as much as possible, the idea of killing other people based on a mere judgements about their faith is not my cup of tea. As long as the history goes, there are always big war happens based on this matter. A misunderstanding that creates such deep scar on both parties. Where the scars passed on generation until they hate each other eventhough they might never had anything to do with the history. Not even a family member that went through it, or maybe they did but it's like hundred years ago. I know there are peaceful people who are in the religion that also don't want that to happen, who also wants all the differences can go together peacefuly. But the idea of big war and misunderstanding happens way too big and too often since I'm in my childhood had brings me fears and paranoia.

I don't want to hate people on the faith they chose to believe in, just as simple as I wouldn't hate people for their healthy lifestyle and vice versa. I'm open to hear any history about how the religion is shaped and how each religion has molded into the local's culture and creates hundreds and thousands new cultures to explore. I love history and I like to know how it was all started. It will always fascinates me.

I believe in God, I do. I'd like to pray every now and then, I believe that my life has been arranged by God and that I will have that judgement day about how I have lived. I believe in heaven and hell, that bad people go to hell and kind people go to heaven. I also believe there is only one God in the whole universe and religion is only the way people on different geographic location with different culture create to guide people to live in line to serve the same God, only with different ways.

In some other country it's a normal thing to be an atheist or in this matter, an agnostic, but living in this country for years and surrounded by people with religion (or they thought they have it) it's still kinda weird to say that I have no religion. And after hearing the fact that I have no religion, some try to push me to get into theirs. I find that annoys me. It feels just like I'm asking your religion and then I try to push you out of it and tell you that your religion is a lie. Would you believe me? Would you feel comfortable with me doing that to you? That's the feeling I get when they repeatedly do that to me. Or repeatedly telling me about how I should join them.

First of all, i have to state that ALL RELIGION IS WONDERFUL (except for the extrimist). I don't have the problem with someone force feeding me about the beauty of their religion, I just don't like it when they do it like they sell a Multi Level Marketing product to me. I'm very open to discussion about that matter but don't try to sell it to me. Religion is personal and it's something you have to choose from your heart, not because someone is selling it to you.

I'm also still trying to learn about each religion as I grow and I decided to take every good thing they have that sounds rational to me. I prefer to judge people by their attitude. I think that everyone could do anything with their lives, as long as they take the responsibility that follows and doesn't get anyone else in trouble.


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