Have you ever been

In love with someone by their personality rather than their appearance? Girls usualy fall in love through their ears, but as a visual person I always prefer to fall in love through my eyes. In fact, I got blinded by visuals although all other aspects are just not up to par, but I stayed for what I liked to see.

I was looking for physical perfection although I know I'm not one, but meeting him changed my desire forever. I never knew that gentlemen are still exist in this kind of era. Well, at least not that I can find. I never knew I can be treated this nicely, this respectfully, yet still this lovingly. I never knew I could find a person that I can dive deep into his thought without me even trying. The way he speaks, the way he deliver his thoughts, it's far above my expectation. I didn't expect much to begin with, considering my past experiences, but he just blew my mind away.

It was a boring chit-chat until I asked him about movies and he gave me list of movies I loved already. Didn't take long for me to dig deeper, turning this boring chat into a decent conversation. We started to discuss a lot deeper about our interests. Seeing him talk so fast, so sure, and so dilligently about law, social, & politic, topics that I prefer to stay away but I like to hear what he has to say. He explained to me with very calm attitude and logical explanation, not just as a blind fanatic supporter. This is the first time that my ego agreed to listen and appreciate another person political view. I don't even understand why.

Seeing him for the first time didn't really sparked anything, but the moment he started to guide me through our first date, I let my self fell a little. Lonely nights turned into discussion forum for us. As we try to know each other more and more, the more I fell little by little. I love his personal views, as simple as how he prefer to have his shirt laundried in a separate place than the one he got for free because he prefers the cleaner wash and tidier ironing. I mean, how many man (that doesn't look like a metrosexual) who has this kind of preference?

I love how everytime we discuss things, he likes to ask my thoughts before telling me his and he draw the conclusion with both of our thoughts in it. And he did it with straight face, like this is how he do it every day. The first sentence he got me was, "Gatau itu bukan jawaban. Kamu udah bisa mengeluarkan pernyataan pasti ada alesan di baliknya." Man, this is exactly my kind of thinking, word by word. On that moment, he got my heart.

I know what I have here is so fast, so early, but love just seeps through. The future is always a blur with my preference but for now, I can clearly say that I am happy. :)


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